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My Quirky Story

Image by Roman Kraft
Image by Roman Kraft the early years about us

The Early Years

At the age of 14, I worked at a greengrocer, earning a £1 per hour.  I relished every moment of my work, dedicating two hours after school and a full day on Saturdays.


One unforgettable experience was my first encounter with Mother's Day, witnessing the bustling shop filled with flowers and long queues of people.


The shop owner cautioned me that I would grow tired of flowers, but instead, it ignited a passion within me.

After completing my education, I pursued floristry and became fully qualified . This marked the beginning of my journey in exploring various creative outlets throughout my life, from jewellery making and painting to knitting and crochet, I embraced diverse arts and crafts and ventured into cross stitch, sculpture, sewing.

Dodgy Trousers

Still in my teens, I dreamed of being able to sew my own clothes.  I remember quite vividly making a pair of trousers with no pattern and proceed to wear them to Camden Town market travelling on the train and tube. It didn’t end well By the time I got home my trousers where in a very sorry state,  I was so grateful to the stall that sold me some safety pins, they truly saved the day.

I don’t know why but I never made clothes again until some 30 year later.

Throughout the years, my trusty sewing machine has always found a place within the walls of my home.  However, I must admit that it succumbed to a dusty existence in the loft as life's various demands took precedence.

The whirlwind of experiences, including the joyous arrival of my son, embarking on adventures around the globe, and immersing myself in a flourishing career in IT, led me to explore a myriad of artistic pursuits.

Amidst these diverse endeavours, my poor sewing machine lay dormant, patiently awaiting its resurgence.

Image by Zck_ dodgy trousers about us
runner to stunner, cusion renovation, friends, love

Forward to the present

Fast forward to the present day, and after many moons later I had settled down and decided I wanted to start sewing again and wanted to do it properly this time so I found a workshop on bag making.

I was so proud of my first little bag and loved the class so much, I booked onto another one straight away.  This time I made a pair of pyjama bottoms (No safety pins needed and they’re still going strong!).
I then purchased a new sewing machine and found a new addiction to buying fabric, pulling old bags and clothes apart and recycling where I can and make beautiful new items.

After showing everyone at work what I have made one of my friends asked if I could turn a table runner into a large cushion.
I was a bit dubious at first as it was an expensive item but she reassured me, so I said I’d give it a go.
After a lot of chopping about and re-engineering finally finished, and I must say was rather pleased with how it turned out.

Family is Key

Empowered by my growing skills and confidence, I delved into the world of pattern downloads, eagerly expanding my repertoire. With a passion for my craft, I found myself acquiring more fabric, relishing the process of transforming it into beautiful creations. The need for safety pins had become a thing of the past, except when they served as decorative embellishments, adding a touch of charm to my designs. As time progressed, a realisation dawned upon me—it was time to share my talent with the world and embark on a journey of entrepreneurship. With this decision, I sought a name that would encapsulate the essence of my small business.

Family holds a special place in my heart; I am fortunate to grow up surrounded by the love and warmth of my parents, nan, and brother. Together, we share countless cherished moments and experiences. My nan, who played the role of a second mother in my life, left an indelible impact. To honour her memory, I initially paid homage through the name "Violet." Though no longer with us, her name continues to radiate brightness. My creative journey is a testament not only to the unwavering support of my nan but also to the encouragement and love of my mum and dad, who continue to fuel my artistic pursuits.

Evolving into leathercraft, my creations gained new depth and character. The chosen name, Quirky Hide, reflects a desire to capture the spirit of individuality and playfulness that defines my leathercraft. In gratitude to my parents, and in remembrance of my nan, the heart and soul of my creative journey, Quirky Hide embodies the legacy they've collectively contributed. As you explore my collection, you'll find the same dedication, passion, and a touch of charm, reflecting the enduring presence of family.

Thank you for being a part of this transformative journey.

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